6 results for the search: School of Infantry

Infantry Marines
Preparing for the Operating Forces | Marines
Joining the ranks of the Marines requires a dedication to be combat ready. Learn more about how Marines prepare for the Operating Forces.
Marine Corps Law Enforcement
What Makes A Marine | Marines
Marines share a collective purpose that makes them who they are. Learn more about what makes a Marine.
Musician Enlistment Option Program | MEOP | Marines
Ten Marine Corps bands serve our nation as exemplary musicians and elite warriors in the Musician Enlistment Option Program (MEOP). Learn more about this elite music program.
Military Occupational Specialty | MOS | Marines
The Marines Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a system that categorizes career fields. Every MOS contributes to our success - from air, ground, and sea.

Marines receive one day of travel and ten days of leave after recruit training graduation before attending the School of Infantry (SOI). Marines participating in the Recruiter Assistance program will receive up to thirty days of leave before attending the SOI. Those with an Infantry Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) are trained at Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) over the course of 52 days, and those with a non-Infantry MOS are trained at Marine Combat Training Battalion (MCT) over the course of 29 days. They are then assigned to a unit with a Permanent Duty Station (PDS).