A squad of U.S. Marines aims their rifles on patrol in a woodland environment.

Weapons, Vehicles, Aircraft, and Gear

Being equipped to win the fight requires more than firepower. Marines are made with a resilient mindset to respond when threats to our nation demand a battle. In the hands of such lethal warfighters, our weapons, vehicles, aircraft, and gear become tools to secure a decisive victory in the fight for our cause. 

The Marine Corps is America’s expeditionary force in readiness. We are trained and equipped to respond first when threats to our nation strike without warning. Only carrying what's needed to accomplish each mission ensures that most of our equipment can be loaded and transported aboard Marine Expeditionary Units, self-contained highly mobile forces that deploy from the sea. Each vehicle, aircraft, weapon, and piece of gear is ready to be moved into battle quickly and efficiently so that Marines can win convincingly. 

Our Marines are our most lethal weapon. Every Marine, no matter their assigned role, is first and foremost a rifleman proficient in eliminating an enemy threat with their service rifle, the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle (IAR). Other Marine Corps weapons include those used in close quarter combat, like a KA-BAR, and crew served systems like the M240B machine gun or grenade launches, like the MK19. The Marine Corps also deploys versatile long-range weapons systems like the HIMARS, equipped with both rockets and missiles. Extreme long-range capabilities include the Navy/Marine Corps Expeditionary Ship Interdiction System (NMESIS), a ground-based launcher that equips Marines to fire anti-ship missiles from land.  

The Marines assigned to operate these weapons systems receive highly specialized training before they’re trusted to deploy them in battle. Watch how the Marine Corps ensures that every Marine’s warfighting capabilities are enhanced with extensive weapons training to match their mission. 

Video thumbnail of Marine at gun range using weapons.

Prospect talking to a recruiter.


Gain direct access to a Marine Recruiter who has fought alongside Marines and is prepared to show you how to become one.

Marines boarding a ship.


One doesn't consider an endeavor of this magnitude without having questions. Here are some of the most common.


Marines using a handheld device to navigate.

Marines have a storied legacy of winning battles, but to continue earning our Nation’s trust, we must be just as prepared for future conflicts.

Marine training to be combat ready at a gun range.

These are the battles brand new Marines must fight and win to join the ranks of those who prevail in our Operating Forces.

Marine taking photo inside of an aircraft as part of his MOS role responsibilities.
Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)

It takes many different roles to win our Nation’s collective fight. These are the many ways in which optimally trained Marines take part in a common moral cause.